Academy 2005
Part of the program that related to color observation
employed these slides in which Tom's face was lit by
different types of light and from different directions.
The white paint illustrated how much local color is
still a factor, even in bright sunlight.
Tom was exposed to the teaching of color with Henry
Hensche over thirty years ago in Cape Cod.
Two other artists that Nash holds in high regard, Cedric
Egeli and Nelson Shanks also studied with
Henry. In fact it was Cedric who introduced them to
each other. Tom took a bit of time during the
color portion of the class to explain Henry's approach
to studying color by beginning with simple
arrangements of blocks out of doors in the sun.
Tom contributed to a recent book on color by Caroline
Jasper entitled
Powercolor: Master Color Concepts for All Media.
It's published by Watson Guptill.
In this excerpt he is painting Dr. Raymond Morrissey
in his studio.
Paint from Life | Light and Shade